Sigma Coffee Roaster

Sigma Coffee Roaster
Roasting Capacity from 50 grams up to 2 kg per batch.
Roasting up to 6 kg per hour.
Adjustable Hot Air Valve.
Adjustable digital thermostat.
Adjustable Temperature setting for roasting preferences.
Sampling Spoon & Sight view glass for roasting control.
Chaff collector.
Separate control panel.
Discharging system for Power cutt-off
Different colour option
Auto roasting ( touch panel option )
What are the Differences of Sigma SCR-2E Roaster When it is Compared to Typical Drum Roasters?
Using hotair system. Perforated drum and It makes coffee same colour and homogeneous roasting. You can’t see burned beans as a result!
Coffee beans cool down in inside of the drum. That’s the reason there is no mixer unit in this model.
You can cool down the roasted coffee beans inside the cooling tray and the fresh coffee smell gets out easily.
Low emissions and Energetic efficiency
No need gas saving environment. The system uses Heating Element to heat up the roasting machine.
Heating elements have a longer life. The Elements get cooled by fresh and cooled air inside the drum with blower equipment.
Premium Quality Roasting
Green Coffee Loading

Roasting Time

Taking Roasted Coffee